The protective deficits of the social paradigm for people with disability: towards the emergence of the Human Rights model




Persons with disability., Social paradigm., Human rights.


In 2007, the entry into force of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities had the primary function of reversing the historical violence suffered by these subjects, assuming the recognition of a wide range of human rights. This document legitimized the idea of the social paradigm of disability, according to which it is necessary to observe not the disability itself, but the levels of accessibility and social inclusion of spaces where people with disabilities are inserted. However, studies on disability have demonstrated the existence of deficits in relation to the social paradigm. In this work, we aim to analyze the criticisms made by disability theorists in relation to the social model. In addition, we will seek to present the human rights paradigm, structured by Theresia Degener, as a response to such shortcomings. Methodologically, the article is based on descriptive documentary research, in which the development is carried out in accordance with the literature on paradigms for coping with disability. Although the social paradigm constitutes the contemporary basis of the human rights of this population, there are difficulties in properly articulating it in the face of the reality experienced by these subjects, which requires the emergence of a new paradigm, associated with the theoretical constructions and practices of citizenship.


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Author Biography

André Luiz Pereira Spinieli, Universidade Estadual Paulista

Doutorando e Mestre em Direito pela Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP/Franca). Professor de História da Filosofia no Instituto Agostiniano de Filosofia (IAF/Franca). Bolsista da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), em nível de Doutorado.


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How to Cite

Spinieli, A. L. P. (2024). The protective deficits of the social paradigm for people with disability: towards the emergence of the Human Rights model. Sociedade Em Debate, 30(1), 01-14.