Organization of Work in Riverside Communities in the Amazon




Work. Traditional Peoples. Culture.


The study looks at the organizational dynamics for the execution of work activities in the riverside communities of Mucajá, Ebenezer, and Menino Deus, in the municipality of Maués, State of Amazonas. The data obtained from the research project titled "The multiple facets of the world of work: labor practices in the field of the Riverside Communities in the Amazon," of scholarship application of National Council for Scientific and Technological Development – CNPq. The methodology adopted is in an interdisciplinary modality of action research. This Interaction methodology involves several areas of technical-scientific knowledge, central to the dialogue between researcher and social agents. The expected results include producing knowledge about the different modalities of work developed by men and women and their domestic-family groups, their collective work practices, and individualized ones exercised under the basis of the dynamics and the organizational and cultural logic of the modus vivendi of riverside community people.


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Author Biographies

Maria do Perpétuo Socorro Rodrigues Chaves, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Doutora em Política Científica e Tecnológica, Professora Titular de Serviço Social na Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Bolsista Produtividade CNPq.

João Marcelo Rodrigues Chaves

Mestrando em Linguística Aplicada/UFAM, Bacharel em Letras, Docente da Escola Estadual Bilíngue Gilberto M. de M. Raposo.


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How to Cite

Chaves, M. do P. S. R., & Marcelo Rodrigues Chaves, J. (2023). Organization of Work in Riverside Communities in the Amazon. Sociedade Em Debate, 29(1), 169-185.