School and Tutorial Council: senses built by families, children and adolescents
Keywords: School. Family. Guardianship Council. Child and teenager.Abstract
This article aims to understand the meanings that families, children and adolescents of a elementary school of the municipal network of Belo Horizonte, attribute to the institutions school and Guardian Council (TC), considering the relationships established between them and the interference of these relationships in the educational processes of the school. We investigate how the family configurations of children and adolescents referred to the TC are constituted. We based on some authors, including Carvalho and Ristum (2013) and Thin (2006). We conducted comprehensive interviews with family members of children and adolescents attended by the TC. These field incursions indicated the need for approximation of family contexts, in order to understand the place that these actors occupy in the family-school-CT triad and that the referrals made to the TC interfere in the daily relations between these two instances of socialization and in the educational processes school.
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