Body, gender and city: micropolitical displacements




Gênero. Sexualidade. Poder. Cidade


The article seeks to analyze how the connection between race, gender and sexuality are presented as possible articulations for understanding the city as a space hegemonically built from the perspective of the universalization of bodies, namely, non-racialized bodies, female bodies and heterosexual bodies and based on this premise, which the city in turn tends to present itself as a space that produces the depotentialization of lives and ways of existing, in a way to segregate and violate all other bodies that are not in this imposed universality. In this sense, placing the theory of intersectionality at the center of the analysis, the objective is to understand how race, gender and sexuality are historically articulated as bodies marked by difference and how they are produced in the public scene of the city through mortification and processes segregation. Therefore, methodologically, this text proposes, from the intersectional perspective of authors such as Michel Foucault, Simone de Beavouir, Aníbal Quijano, Giorgio Agambem and Maria Lugones, a polyphonic dialogue for reflection and analysis on bodies in the face of sexuality, race and gender , which were erected by contiguous moral, religious and cultural values in the course of socio-historical formation, having violence, exclusion and marginalization as the way to access the city. As a result of the discussion, then, historically, non-heterosexual subjects and women, especially black women, are demarcated bodies and susceptible to the most diverse forms of oppression, resulting from structural inequality in relation to gender, sexuality and race. Thus, more than recognizing and decolonizing all forms of existence, it is necessary to understand that speeches have the power to mortify. Therefore, it is extremely important that the speeches and spaces produced by capitalist subjectivity are denounced.


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Author Biographies

Cristine Jaques Ribeiro, UCPel

Doutora em Serviço Social/ PUCRS

Coordenadora do GEP Questão Agrária, Urbana e Ambiental/ Observatório dos Conflitos da Cidade

Docente Programa de Pós-Graduação em Política Social e Direitos Humanos e Curso de Serviço Social/ UCPel

Camila de Freitas Moraes, UCPel

Psicologa pela Escola Superior da Amazônia, Especialista em Saúde Mental pelo Centro Universitário da Serra Gaúcha. Mestra e doutoranda em Política Social e Direitos Humanos UCPel.

Carla Graziela Rodegueiro Barcelos Araujo, UCPel

Assistente Social, Mestre em politica Social e Doutoranda em Politica Social e Direitos Humanos UCPel

Pablo Rodrigo de Andrade Barbosa, UCPel

Assistente Social e Mestrando em Polítca Social e Direitos Humanos UCPel


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How to Cite

Jaques Ribeiro, C., de Freitas Moraes, C., Rodegueiro Barcelos Araujo, C. G., & de Andrade Barbosa, P. R. (2021). Body, gender and city: micropolitical displacements. Sociedade Em Debate, 27(2), 63-77.