Justiça e Deficiência: a visão do Poder Judiciário sobre o BPC


  • Wederson Rufino dos Santos


Continuous Cash Benefit Programme, disability, Judiciary Power, medical inspection


This article is the result of the research “Disability in the Plural: the perspective of the Federal Judges” that had the objective to discover which the beddings of the concept of disability used for Federal Judges responsible for process involving concession of the Continuous Cash Benefits Programme (BPC). The BPC consists in the only guarantor of social minimus, of not contributive character, to disabled persons firmed in the Federal Constitution of 1988. So that the deficient people have access the BPC is necessary to be poor and to be approved in a medical inspection carried through by the Social Welfare. When having its order of concession to the benefit denied by the evaluation of the National Institute of Social Security (INSS). Some people with disability appeal to the Judiciary Power with objective to have the access to the benefit. The research consisted of an analytical and documentary study of 30 actions at law of ten Federal Judges that had been responsible for sentences where it had concession of the BPC, in order to identify the beddings of the concept of disability used for the Federal Judges. With the results of the research it was possible to evident that the concept of disability used for Judiciary one to grant the BPC is more including than the concept used for the medical inspection of the INSS.


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Author Biography

Wederson Rufino dos Santos

Graduando em Serviço Social pela Universidade de Brasília. Membro do Grupo de Pesquisa Ética, Saúde e Desigualdade Social, do Departamento de Serviço Social da UnB. Pesquisador Bolsista da organização nãogovernamental ANIS - Instituto de Bioética, Direitos Humanos e Gênero, Brasília -DF. Estagiário em Serviço Social na ANIS desde agosto de 2006. Bolsista do PIBIC/CNPq nos projetos "Deficiência no Plural: a perspectiva dos movimentos sociais, cuidadoras, gestores e juízes federais" no período 2005/2006, e no projeto "Deficiência em questão" no período 2006/2007.



How to Cite

Santos, W. R. dos. (2012). Justiça e Deficiência: a visão do Poder Judiciário sobre o BPC. Sociedade Em Debate, 12(2), 165-186. Retrieved from https://revistas.ucpel.edu.br/rsd/article/view/431