Precarious Forms of Job, Performance in ONG’s and Professional Insertion


  • Wilson José Ferreira de Oliveira


job market, militancy politics, university formation, professional exercise, ONG's


This article examines the conditions and the social logics that lead to the professional performance as employee and technician of ONG's. For this, the main modalities of militant careers had been examined and professional associates to the exercise of such functions, with intention to apprehend the meanings attributed to the professional formation and the types of resources and social networks that its performance bases. The reached results demonstrate that the professional performance in ONG's is inserted in a dynamics of diversification of the modalities of professional exercise and ingression in the work market and has base specific forms of union between the university formation and the militancy politics through the insertion in diverse social network of organizations and social movements during the occupational and professional itineraries of the individuals. These results demonstrate that the association between militancy, university formation and occupational insertion constitutes one of the main ingredients of this type of professional performance.


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Author Biography

Wilson José Ferreira de Oliveira

Prof Adjunto do Departamento de Sociologia e Política da Universidade Federal de Pelotas e doutor em Antropologia Social pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.



How to Cite

Oliveira, W. J. F. de. (2012). Precarious Forms of Job, Performance in ONG’s and Professional Insertion. Sociedade Em Debate, 13(1), 139-158. Retrieved from