Work training in social healthcare work: sharing experiences


  • Ivone Maria Ferreira da Silva
  • Jaime Hillesheim
  • Aparecida de Castro Soares


social work, academic training, health


Contact with professional practice during undergraduate education is a key stage of the academic training of social workers. During the work training experience theory is combined with practice and the student becomes acquainted with the socio-occupational spaces, the actions’ target publics, the possible means of action and challenges presented by the social policies, and the institutional powers. For students this is a moment of profound knowledge gain concerning the profession – the exercises performed during work training are directly related to expected professional standards, and in that respect can prove to be either adequate or not. This paper reflects on this particular stage of the social work training, describing the themes associated with the guidelines (Popular Health Education and Social Control and Institutionalized Practices) of the supervised work training program of the Department of Social Work of the Federal University of Mato Grosso.


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Author Biographies

Ivone Maria Ferreira da Silva

Professora supervisora de estágio em Serviço Social na área da saúde do Departamento de Serviço Social da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso – UFMT.

Jaime Hillesheim

Professor supervisor de estágio em Serviço Social na área da saúde do Departamento de Serviço Social da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso – UFMT.

Aparecida de Castro Soares

Assistente Social, estagiária do Hospital Universitário Julio Muller-MT em 2006/2007, pós-graduanda em Serviço Social – UFMT.



How to Cite

Silva, I. M. F. da, Hillesheim, J., & Soares, A. de C. (2012). Work training in social healthcare work: sharing experiences. Sociedade Em Debate, 15(1), 63-77. Retrieved from