The unified healthcare system in Manaus: a paradigm for analysis


  • Maria Rute de Souza Luna
  • Simone Eneida Baçal de Oliveira


Unified Health System, health districts, organization of services


This article discusses the Unified Health System (Brazilian SUS) in the context of the city of Manaus. It analyses how it was implemented and how it is organized today in order to verify its challenges and prospects for transforming the healthcare model. For this, it was necessary to review the authors that analyze and interpret the healthcare system in the context of Manaus, and to study plans and reports on the subject. Having emerged from health districts, the SUS can now be considered a reality in Amazonas, but one that has yet to become an effective, universally accessible social policy. Access to services is still limited in some neighborhoods, the demand is growing and services are insufficient. This reflects a badly articulated and poorly distributed framework of assistance services which, in conjunction with other questions, cannot be considered to reflect an equalitarian healthcare policy.


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Author Biographies

Maria Rute de Souza Luna

Graduada em Ciências Sociais. Mestranda do Programa de Pós Graduação em Serviço Social da Universidade Federal da Amazônia.

Simone Eneida Baçal de Oliveira

Doutora em Serviço Social. Professora adjunta da Universidade Federal da Amazônia.



How to Cite

Luna, M. R. de S., & Oliveira, S. E. B. de. (2012). The unified healthcare system in Manaus: a paradigm for analysis. Sociedade Em Debate, 16(1), 91-106. Retrieved from