Crowndsorcing and labor invisibility
Mystification. Digital platforms. Information Technologies. Invisible precarious work.Abstract
This article is to analyze the recent reality of crowdsourcing as a complex and mystifying element resulting from the relationship between capital, labor, and the intense use of informational technologies. Crowdsourcing establish a new status between outsourcing and informality. Moreover, it is a type of relationship between companies, workers, consumers, and users, in which workers no longer necessarily present themselves in the traditional molds of being hired by their employers. It is based on these considerations that this article exposes crowdsourcing as a challenge to the understanding of its possibilities and multiple forms of concretion, which surpasses rigid limits between what would be work, leisure or social interaction. The construction of this exposition was the result of bibliographical research, the systematization of Marxist categories and the contextualization of historical conditions that affect the crowdsourcing phenomenon in the dynamics of the contemporary world of work.
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