Caregiver’s conceptions about affection in institutionalized children
criança; educador social; instituição de acolhimento; afetividadeAbstract
This study analyzed the conceptions of caregivers regarding affectiveness and the affective exchanges established between these professionals and children in institutional care. Six caregivers of both sexes from two institutions located in Rio de Janeiro took part in the study. The participants were interviewed and then the thematic-categorical content analysis technique was used to analyze the data. The results indicated that the caregivers reported emotional exchanges with the children, although some of the participants pointed out that institutional rules and work overload made it difficult for the dyad to relate. All the caregivers had doubts about the concept of affective exchanges, showing difficulties in understanding its meaning. It was concluded that these professionals need to be trained and qualified in aspects of children's socio-affective development so that this knowledge can be reflected in their practices with the children in care, as well as constant guidance and supervision.
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