Sexual division of labor, caring, and capitalism: a debate from the movie “entre nós”
Divisão Sexual do Trabalho, Trabalho doméstico, Trabalho de cuidados.Abstract
The domestic and familiar and caring sphere has always been assigned to women and the activities of this sphere have remained unseen and little valueted in their importance for the spoliation of non-payed labor by capital. We begin with the assumption that caring is definied as a primordial women’s activity, based on the sexual division of labor, which not only explains the basis of women’s oppression, but also how this oppression and this invisible labor of caring is one of the key elements of explotation and domination system, in the social formation of capitalism. To guide the debate throughout the text, we use, as a support, Mariana’s story, a real woman, portrayed ih the movie “Entre Nós”. From its history, we will bring the debate about gender, sexual division of labor and caring, focusing on androcentrism in capitalism.
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