The conceptual framework of social vulnerability


  • Simone Rocha da Rocha Pires Monteiro


social protection, social vulnerability, social work, law


This article aims at expanding the conceptual framework of social vulnerability, attempting to comprise its reasons and determinants. The paper is the product of the analysis process of the debate about public policies and of the guidance of international organizations in shaping them. In this regard, understanding the building elements of this theoretical framework enables both the contribution of deeper analyses of how far public policies can reach, and the identification of their limitations and challenges in enforcing rights.


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Author Biography

Simone Rocha da Rocha Pires Monteiro

Assistente social, Mestre e Doutora pela PUCRS, Profª Adjunta na Escola de Serviço Social-UFF.



How to Cite

Monteiro, S. R. da R. P. (2012). The conceptual framework of social vulnerability. Sociedade Em Debate, 17(2), 29-40. Retrieved from